Bizarre feelings in my head my heart was pounding and had moments when it seemed out of rhythm. Surgeon said her bones in the hip and pelvis crumbled away like chalk and hed never seen that as severe before. When I initially had a bone scan they said Id have another one after three years, Ive never had another one. Maybe tomorrow I will get better direction from the physician. You uesly get shake from over active thyroid, I know because that what I have, I have been put on alendronic, I havent taken them yet, its very frigthening, not sure what to do, Im 63 and have gone to the gym most ofy life, I dont want to there guinea pig,. If I could try these first what would people recommend and . Which has brought me here as I googled info on this medication. This year the odd finger started my hands have started shaking when I am on my keyboard but for the past 3 months both hands shake. I was told that it was very uncommon what happened to me, and it was my choice to take it again next week or not. the shaking could be from one of the new meds, but it started slightly in the summer. In some cases, ALENDRONIC ACID may cause side effects such as muscle or joint pain, nausea, indigestion, gas and headache. I was, in fact, part of a community of Seroxat users who like me were struggling to understand what had happened to them., Ive just been perscribed alendronic acid 70mg to take one a week..could you tell me if this is seroxat. Even before Fosamax was introduced in 1995 as a superior osteoporosis treatment, jaw osteonecrosis has been linked to the bisphosphonate drug family. I started taking alendronic acid in January 2009. You can, however, lie down after youve eaten your first meal of the day. Hi You should be able to have a dexa scan every 5 years. Ive only had one tablet of the Alendronic Acid yesterday, but seem to have quite a few of the side effects so wont have another again, and am miffed to see that people have problems for weeks even after one tablet. I have been put on prednisone and even though my bones are ok I have been prescribed AA as prednisone destroys bones. I had another Dxa scan. Most of these side effects do not require medical attention and will resolve gradually over time. Ive just read your post on this thread about Alendronic Acid & was hoping you might share your naturopathic bone protocol supplementation with me. Alendronic acid may put your pregnancy at risk. I hate taking meds and wonder if I should stop Alendronic acid. Youre description of whip lash injury describes me. I have been taking this drug since 2006 only to be told today at a meds review that it should only be used for a limited time. I am 81 years of age. I had a complete hysterectomy 24 years ago but could not tolerate HRT therefore was susceptible to osteoporosis but I had slipped through the net according to my doctor and only got a dexa scan in August 2017. Im 54 years old and after having a Dexa scan, was told that I have Osteoporosis. Your body naturally breaks down old bones and replaces them with new bone tissues to support your skeletal system throughout life. Its such a dilemma. Its essential to take calcium supplements and vitamin D3 at least 2-4 hours before your first dose of alendronic acid. mrs winners biscuit recipe. Severe side effects include the following: In rare cases, alendronic acid may cause a severe allergic reaction (anaphylaxis). Dentist now tells me my teeth are not strong enough to hold a bridge again. My other bones aches but the leg and the jaw were the worst. I took them for two Sundays and my legs became painful,Dr said to continue and go back in 2weeks so I took one yesterday and today I feel breathless and giddy. Alendronic Acid is prescribe to counteract the effects of Entzalutamide, which can thin the bones. I was thinking maybe I was dehydrated, so I drank a few bottles of purified water. The side effect possibilities worry me. There are 8,218 reported reactions, bear in mind many dont report the side effects to the Yellow Card Scheme. 25 yrs later Ive had a Dexa scan and was told my spine was crumbling and the reading was far worse than the worst possible. Because of how I tend to react and my blood test results, I thought I would research the new meds first and Im now very pleased that I did. Next morning extreme pain in my back and kidney area. Singing, to my deep distress, is now out of the question, along with all the other active things I loved to do. Twin Research Aug 2005 Spine -2.9 Hip -1.3. She has stopped the tablets. I have now been off Alendronic acid for two weeks or so, and at the moment im not noticing very much improvement. My recent BMD test shows i have esteoporosis. The NHS Dentist has ben very negative and created time consuming visits which are difficult for me to arrange because I have decreasing mobility because of MS. No one my GP or the dentist recommended by my GP have given me no warning about the serious side effects of having dental extractions while taking Aldronic Acid. Now I am not sure what to do. It is normally taken with twice daily chewable calcium tablets. Im very concerned, like you & so many others, about the side effects of AA which I have just started today! Since things improved I kept taking the medication. Ive been prescribed alendronic acid now as although doing very well year later, my new doctor is concerned about my bone and muscle condition. Bizarre feelings in my head, my arms feeling like they didnt belong to me, I felt faint and dizzy, my heart was pounding and had moments when it seemed out of rhythm. I am posting this to try and help other , from being in the same situation that I have been in for last 5 months . does newark airport have a centurion lounge; como pagar solo un mes de powtoon; michael burry wife picture; key performance indicators in nursing education. For oral liquid medicine, use the dosing syringe to measure one unit (70 mg in 100 ml) of oral solution and take it once a week. Although the scores looked very slightly better at the . Expanded V9V2 T cells from patients and healthy donors displayed similar phenotype and destroyed autologous and immortalized ovarian tumor . Can you give me the name of this book, I too am struggling with whether to go down the road of alendronic acid. I will never take drugs like yours again. Had another car ride, but then it flared up again, sometimes I limped all morning. From 2013 I was prescribed alendronic acid. But, because you naturally produce vitamin D3, your doctor might not recommend you take supplements unless you have a deficiency. Small movements and small gentle breaths allow me to feel ok and for my muscles to be still. I stopped taking these tablets after 3 weeks due to pain in my legs and still have it sfter 3 weeks and hoping it will come out of my body soon. Am I the only one the suffer from these bad side effects after taking it for the first time. Postmenopausal osteoporosis. My life coaching business came to nothing I am unable to work. Went to dentist four days ago with toothache my dentist x-rayed my tooth and discovered I have a lot of loss of bone in my jaw cant remember the name for it but it was caused by my treatment for osteoporosis she said she cant take the tooth out as she could cause more damage she said she has to consult with another surgeon first I am in total agony with my tooth and jaw I dont know how much longer I can go on I wont hear anything to Monday so I have all day tomorrow and tomorrow night to suffer I dont know how much longer I can go on help, Ive just started taking Alendronic acid 75mg and for the last 4 days Ive been having really bad indigestion Heartburn and tightness of my chest Hi everyone I thought my diziness and muscle ache and a light pain in my abdomen when i took Alendronic Acid was just me, now reading all the comments I can see it is a common theme. I also found a naturally sourced alternative to the calcium, which is much easier to digest, but its not as strong. In case of severe allergic reactions and poisoning on your first dose, please call your doctor or emergency help immediately. Not far into the walk (about 20 mins. Some medications may interact with alendronic acid and may cause it not to work effectively. Given ENEMA which got things moving but still having problems so was referred for COLONOSCOPY!! I was running 2 or 3 times, each week, circuit, bodypump, combat, body pump etc, about 14 hours of workout every week. I found it all extremely interesting and worrying. Fast forward to 2019 stared getting pains from my knees traveled throughout my body into my head thought im going to die. I am on prednisolone for polymyalgia. risk of breaking a bone. Hi everyone.I am new to this forum.I started taking Alendronic acid for the first time yesterday.I have had a bone density scan which shows i have oesteoporosis.I am 59 years old,considered myself quite fit until last June,I have read the side effects of these tablets and what other people have put about them.I am quite scared about taking anymore.I felt fine yesterday after taking mu first . My advice beware. I am aldo taking Calcio with vitamin-D As you age, you will notice changes in your body, such as grayed hair, wrinkles, vision problems, and hearing loss. I am so worried about taking the meds but also worried about not taking them? I was told by the hospital after my bone scan that my Osteoporosis was not that bad so Ill see what happens after my next scan Im 73 years old and dont want to feel unwell due to the side effects which if you read about them can be very serious. Its essential to take your dose while your body is upright. It starts after some seemingly minor jaw trauma, but jaw osteonecrosis can quickly decimate a jawbone. Bisphosphonates are often the first treatment you'll be offered if you have weaker bones. 2. She suggested maybe I stop taking the AS but I already had. Have been on it a yr. Was ok i think, but disabled badly with fatigue anyway, so hard to know. Im very concerned and unsure what to do? Please check with your doctor before stopping taking alendronic acid and switching to alternative treatments. But it probably has. She is very upset as to how this medication has impacted her. Suddenly not taking or stopping this medication may cause severe side effects. I would really welcome views on whether a reading of -4.5 is too high to be able to treat with exercise, diet and supplements. I dont think there is enough information from doctors/nurses to explain about Osteoporosis to patients. Make sure the spinach is cooked to get rid of the oxylates which inhibit calcium absorbtion; so cook your spinach. Hi,all these comments are really helping me to decide not to take anymore Alendronic Acid,I had my Dexa scan September 2017 and was diognosed with Osteoporosis and prescribed AA and Cal D3. I have been told I will have one in 2 years. Shingles 6 months ago and Dr. says this is result of shingles. Unfortunately, Im pretty intolerant to most drugs, other than HRT, which I took for 5 years without any side effects and made me feel fantasticuntil my GP refused to prescribe them once I reached 50. She used to get upset stomach the day & day after taking them. In my diary I have written that I felt lightheaded, as if I wasnt getting enough oxygen, and that my arms and head were fizzing. You must take your dose on the same day each week. Alendronic Acid has a side effect of causing hair loss and tiredness. I have v v mild connective tissue disorder (not rare) also. If prostate cancer spreads to the bones, the cancer can damage them and cause pain. In rare cases, it can be severe and may hint at a medical emergency. I feel cold inside all the time and the headache is miserable. I asked her how long wil it take for the fosamax to leave my body, and when will this pain stop. From day one my tummy was not happy & after 8 weeks I suddenly became severely constipated (Literally overnight !!!) I was able to see a neurologist fairly quickly, and he concurred with my thoughts that it was probably Seroxat clashing with the anti-sickness tablets (metaclopromide) I had taken in September, and therefore a one-off event. I succumbed.About 6 weeks of taking it, I developed severe right hip and femur pain and jaw pain. My legs and bottoms of feet, are so painful. My body awareness tells me otherwise. I wonder if it might be something that could help you Ive attached the link to the video below. The oral bisphosphonates alendronic acid and risedronate sodium are considered as first-line options for most patients with postmenopausal osteoporosis due to their broad spectrum of anti-fracture efficacy. Withdrawal was so extreme that the longest I ever lasted off the drug was seven weeks, the worst of my life. Your doctor might recommend you take other drugs 30 minutes after taking alendronic acid. and he said he would refer for being sedated,as he said he AA are wonderful tablets but do cause jaw and teeth probs along with everything else Am seriously thinking of coming off of them but want to see the outcome of coming off them and how safe it is. Sister told the doc she intends taking Boron. Yes and i stopped taking them my stomach was so bad i could only chest breathe. We would be very interested in accounts of what happens when people take RxISK reports to doctors. Bisphosphonates can strengthen the bones and slow down further bone damage. Reading all above, i think i will put myself on a little break, just to see if there is a difference in my condition overall. Ive just discovered that lack of it can be at the root of fatigue, depression, low body temperature, and many other issues. This pain was far worse than the pain I experience withOsteoporosis! Hi, Ive just discovered this site. It belongs to a group of drugs called bisphosphonates, which are the most commonly used treatment for people with osteoporosis. But I Need to get an updated DEXA to see how things have progressed. I called my doctor and will go in tomorrow morning, even though pain resolved. Who else out there has a similar story? If it is common for headaches, dizzy spells and blackout reportsshouldnt this concern those that live alone, for both GP and patient? Despite the doctors assurances that it wasnt addictive, I became addicted. I have just taken my first one and reading this forum is really interesting. Treating osteoporosis involves treating and preventing fractures, and using medicines to strengthen bones. At which point he told me that NICE guidelines indicated that he had to prescribe alendronic acid, and he could only move me to a different drug if it didnt work. Other symptoms include numbness of the lips which are also dry and sometimes numbness in the chin. If you have osteoporosis, bone fractures commonly occur in your: Below are the most common factors that may put you at risk of developing osteoporosis: Youre also at a much higher risk of developing osteoporosis if you have health conditions like: Osteoporosis wont give you any symptoms, but you should visit your doctor if youre in doubt, especially if youre approaching menopausal age. He said the result was impossible and after another Dexa scan Im told I have osteopenia in my hip and spine. When i DID start researching, after being on these meds for about a year I decided the risk just wasnt worth the POSSIBLE gain and stopped taking it. Took one tablet within 24hrs experienced labour pains & felt like Id been kicked by a horse in the back continued for 4 days, gradually wore off and I refused to take another Alendronic pill again. My specialist came back to me a month ago to tell me I should take AA from now on so I started taking the weekly pill 4 weeks ago. Severe cranial pain extending from my neck to the base of my skull and temples made worse when I move my head neck. 260m+ Visitors. Researching I came across Dr Rex Newnham, his story is very interesting, look him up he has written several books re osteoporosis/arthritis, treating them naturally with borax/boron. Alendronic Acid Has Destroyed My Life. I had been suffering with a terrible burning tongue for eight months and I also had aching legs, this burning tongue I put down to the gallstones I have got. INDIA'S LARGEST HEALTHCARE PLATFORM. 4. Typically, doctors recommend taking osteoporosis medication for 3-5 years. Im not going to take another one and just hope these pains gradually wear off. So, I took it with 12 ounces of water. Warning to anyone who might be taking Alendronic acid 70 ml tablets for osteoporosis ! Store the tablet, oral solution, or oral effervescent form of alendronic acid as directed in its packaging. Until this doctor expressed his surprise that I was taking it, and his opinion that it was possibly the cause of my problems, no one had ever raised any questions about it. Alendronic acid is a type of medicine called a bisphosphonate. Kinase Inhibitor Library; . It is commonly prescribed to treat patients with bone issues like osteoporosis and Pagets disease. He says he cured his wifes osteoporosis with the supplementation of boron and he describes the dosage he used in the video. I am worried about it as it seems to be getting worse. Hi. My worry at the moment is that I need a new crown in my teeth and do not know if this permitted and if I go ahead will it affect the health of my gums. Blood test in November showed a underactive thyriod and am taking Levothyronine 25mg. Sight has deteriorated (but attend Moorfields for regular check ups. Home; About. MY blood pressure became high and I was sent for a ECG on the 29th of November which showed I have at somepoint had a mild heart attack which I was unawear of and have now in December been put on Ramipril 2.7mg and Simvastatin 40mg. As a follow up to my earlier post, on Feb 21st 2021, I am still experiencing side effects as a result of the ingestion of 1 biphosphonate Alendronic Acid 70g tablet on Sunday Feb 2nd. You should eat more foods that promote healthy bones. Do not lie down for at least 30 minutes after taking medicine. Alendronic acid is not for children or teens below 18 years old. I have had to keep off coffee, fruit and anything acidic for months, I even tried gaviscon which made me feel sick and had a bloated stomach for 2 hours. june 2022. Hi Everyone I thought that I had been duped, once, into taking a drug I probably didnt need for an illness I probably didnt have, a drug that damaged my health. She is having pain in her legs, hips and groin. Ive only taken one tablet going to speak to Dr tomorrow. The side effects are horrific. I was given alendronic acid tablets, one a week after had fall off my bike swerving to miss a coke can someone dropped and fractured my pelvis. When and how you take alendronic acid can affect whether it will work or not. My memory was a little fuzzy. Oral alendronate 5 or 10 mg/day produces sustained increases in bone mineral density (BMD) in postmenopausal women with or without osteoporosis, in men with primary osteoporosis and in both . sex. However, your doctor will mostly recommend you at least take the drug for three years to benefit from it for a long time. I also have severe oseaoarthritis in my hip and other joints are affected. Hello Barbara where do I go from here, the last thing I want is dentures !! I was diagnosed with Preliminary Billiary Cholongistis (PBC) in 2021 and am now informed I have osteopenia (May 2022); informed today that a prescription has been left at my chemist for Alendronic Acid to be taken once a week. This medicine is available as a generic drug in oral pill or solution form and under brand names like Fosamax (oral tablet) and Binosto (oral effervescent . Read on a page recently that the manufacturers of this drug have been sued in Canada by 1200 odd people and won 27.5 millionso why hasnt this been reviewed here. There is a fine balance struck in order to treat symptoms without curing, so your symptoms are only abated when you take drugs, but if you die, then obviously they make no more money. I have been taking A.A for about 9/10 months. That was the last tablet I took of that drug. Not sure what i was given 2 years ago but only took it for 4 weeks then came off. I have an annual blood test at hospital for gluten. Lately i have been feeling tooth pain and have told by the dentist they cannot see me without a letter from my GP if i am taking alendronic acid. Feet, are so painful every 5 years the walk ( about 20 mins I. And he describes the dosage he used in the hip and spine flared up again sometimes... Before your first dose, please call your doctor before stopping taking alendronic acid 70 ml for! Out of rhythm regular check ups tells me my teeth are not strong enough to hold a again... His wifes osteoporosis with the supplementation of boron and he describes the dosage he used in the.. 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